El lenguaje que la nombra
Enrique Bernales Albites
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The collection of poems El lenguaje que la nombra takes us on a journey to different places and experiences of the human condition. In the foreword, Mercado summarizes the book as a philosophical, spiritual, and poetic reflection. However, another important aspiration should be added, that of universality, since the journey in question is one around the poem as a long device. This device proposes, through different references, a discourse on the universal city written by a universal traveler or flâneur for a love that is equally universal. Like any journey, it presents an integral, holistic experience that sings of the pain of being alive, but also of the dialogue with the creation of all cultures, both ancient and those of the cybernetic present. Bernales Albites is a flâneur who tries to reconstruct his time in the world. Each city described, which could be Manhattan, Mexico City or Belfast, is the same, loaded with bodies, longings, uncertainty, but also with the immanent experience of loving, past love and the forthcoming love. In that sense, perhaps El lenguaje que la nombra is a kind of postmodern Song of Songs, where the sex doll can also tell us about the situation of affections and desire in the present. But it is not about the instrumentalization of a voice, a body or an identity, because in El lenguaje que la nombra there is also a fluid voice, without gender or rather androgynous, therefore, human and even non-human (because the city and the landscape also speak in this book). Sometimes the speaker is an abandoned girl or woman who narrates a chronicle that is nothing but the internal fable of the poem, which is nothing but one from beginning to end, as has already been mentioned, about deeply human places and experiences. Isn't it the city, the journey and love, without any specific order or hierarchies, places and experiences? Deeply existential, spiritual places and experiences where the exercise of writing is a way to meditate on them, review them, and, in the case of what has happened and in those that have not, recreate them. Evocation is not only memory but also the exercise of creating, rendering the imagination in reality and its pain to heal it. |
El lenguaje que la nombra also articulates through these mentioned resources (travel, city, love) an experience woven by cultural, literary and spiritual tradition. The background of the poet as a researcher and creator but also for his spiritual search is well known and, in this book, he manages to achieve an experience of total knowledge, dialoguing with what he knows, but above all because of what others who know have given him, both thanks to reading as an existential exercise and through the dialogue of knowledge with the intuition, the emotion, the feeling.
In that sense, El lenguaje que la nombra is definitely an epistemic experience, that is, of knowledge and the elaboration of knowledge, but one achieved through different means. It is a pluriversal experience of knowing through living places and landscapes: love; but also of immortal gestures, as in the case of the poem that lists as an image a cat that kneads, thus evidencing another poietic virtue: the search for creative pluriversality. Finally, the reader will discover that the path of knowledge that Bernales Albites proposes in El lenguaje que la nombra is through poetry and its ability to bring together the chaos of the experience of living: the existential and aesthetic exercise as a new synthesis of feeling without borders.
Enrique Bernales Albites (1975) is a poet, writer, cultural promoter and academic from Lima based in the United States, founder of the legendary Peruvian literary group Inmanencia. He has a Ph.D. in Latin American Literature from Boston University. He is currently Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Northern Colorado. His work includes 21 poemas: Cerridwen (Lima, Intermezzo Tropical, 2003), Regreso to Big Sur (Lima, Bardoborde, 2019), Séptimo Poema (Lima, Municipalidad de Lima / Lima Lee, 2020).
El lenguaje que la nombra (2023) is a publication by Ediciones La Mirada.
In that sense, El lenguaje que la nombra is definitely an epistemic experience, that is, of knowledge and the elaboration of knowledge, but one achieved through different means. It is a pluriversal experience of knowing through living places and landscapes: love; but also of immortal gestures, as in the case of the poem that lists as an image a cat that kneads, thus evidencing another poietic virtue: the search for creative pluriversality. Finally, the reader will discover that the path of knowledge that Bernales Albites proposes in El lenguaje que la nombra is through poetry and its ability to bring together the chaos of the experience of living: the existential and aesthetic exercise as a new synthesis of feeling without borders.
Enrique Bernales Albites (1975) is a poet, writer, cultural promoter and academic from Lima based in the United States, founder of the legendary Peruvian literary group Inmanencia. He has a Ph.D. in Latin American Literature from Boston University. He is currently Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Northern Colorado. His work includes 21 poemas: Cerridwen (Lima, Intermezzo Tropical, 2003), Regreso to Big Sur (Lima, Bardoborde, 2019), Séptimo Poema (Lima, Municipalidad de Lima / Lima Lee, 2020).
El lenguaje que la nombra (2023) is a publication by Ediciones La Mirada.
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