What Lane?
Torrey Maldonado
Torrey Maldonado’s middle-grade novel What Lane? is a roller-coaster ride through the turns and loops of an urban boy’s sensibilities as he navigates the often-tricky experiences preteens face as they move into their adolescent years. Like rollercoasters with their extreme twists, loops, and curves, What Lane? races the reader through Stephen’s growth into his ethnic and social identity to discover the importance of sincere friends he can trust with his vulnerable and growing self. Stephen’s quest to discover what lane he belongs in is also a quest to understand that not everyone will know and accept the person he is becoming, acknowledging about his friends: “. . . I don’t stop thinking how lucky I am that they’re my boys,” (117), and, “Because of them, it feels like the world is in my lane. That feels like power” (124). Through tense moments focusing on overt and covert racism, Stephen handles his experiences like a champ, evidence of a stronger Stephen at the end of the ride than the one the reader was introduced to at the beginning. For young people, the characters model how to navigate the sharp turns and bumpy rides of discriminatory practices and racism they experience but might not be emotionally mature enough to vocalize. For adults, the book provides an entry point on how to engage young people with the difficult topic of racism which is often-assumed an issue that young people are not aware of. For educators, the book is an important one not only to include in their classroom libraries but to also provide as a shared reading experience. To share in a discussion of racism creates a sense of community focused on social justice, and this book can be the vehicle to start a difficult—but very important—conversation both for individual families and in classroom settings alike. |
Torrey Maldonado is the author of the critically acclaimed Secret Saturdays. He is a teacher in Brooklyn, New York, where he was born, raised, and lives. His books reflect his students' and his experiences.
What Lane? is a publication by Nancy Paulsen Books. Click here to purchase.
What Lane? is a publication by Nancy Paulsen Books. Click here to purchase.
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