Estados Unidos Hispano
Luis Alberto Ambroggio
Five hundred years of Hispanic/Latino presence in the United States is proudly celebrated in Luis Alberto Ambroggio's book Estados Unidos Hispano. This work is a homage to our heritage, language and literature and demonstrates, through historical and statistical facts, the essential role our community plays in the construct of the American identity. Luis Alberto fills the pages of this book with pride, as he narrates our captivating history as well as the literary, artistic, political and economic influence we currently have in the United States. He also expresses the importance of the Spanish language which has been learned, defended and promoted by important historical figures, including Thomas Jefferson himself. Yes, the founding father and creator of the Declaration of Independence knew and promoted Spanish! Estados Unidos Hispano is informative, motivating and passionate, and seeks to elevate the hearts of Hispanic/Latino readers with dignity and honor. As Luis Alberto puts it himself, es un libro que busca "servir de estímulo, de testimonio, de una invitación a conocer y promulgar nuestra presencia de 500 años, un grito de orgullo y esperanza". |
Luis Alberto Ambroggio (Córdoba, Argentina, 1945) is a member of the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española, the Real Academia Española as well as PEN. He received the Orden de los Descubridores by the Hispanic Honor Society.
Estados Unidos Hispano is a publication by Long Island al Día Editores and can be purchased through Amazon. Click here to purchase.
Estados Unidos Hispano is a publication by Long Island al Día Editores and can be purchased through Amazon. Click here to purchase.
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Gerald A. Padilla 9/11/2016 Comment Box is loading comments...