Poemas en blanco y negro
Leonardo Nin
Poemas en blanco y negro is a Spanish poetry book by Leonardo Nin where the exploration of racial identity is intertwined with a sense of belonging, abandonment and memories. In the first part of this poetic collection, Nin attempts to answer his most intimate inquiries, as he does in his poem titled Meditámbulo. “Este silencio,/ irremediable compañero de mis soledades,/ Sancho escudero/ de mis batallas con los espejos”. The poems in white witness a soul-searching journey, while the poems in black invite us, through the use of diverse Caribbean expressions, to a quest where the sounds of drums pound in every corner. These are the drumming echoes of memories that awaken the gods from their altars; the memories that talk to us about pending debts and open wounds. This sentiment is powerfully expressed in his poem La verdadera historia. "Y esas manos tan grandes?/ Para con ellas en cadenas surcar las tierras de otros. Y esos ojos tan grandes?/ Para ver en mis noches el mismo infinito que una vez adornó la libertad del/ Viento en mi casa". Poemas en blanco y negro is a poetic adventure where Leonardo Nin makes us accomplices of his story and allows us to be part of his personal quest in the search of his origins. |
Leonardo Nin (Dominican Republic) is a writer and anthropologist from Harvard University. His literature is representative of the Dominican Diaspora. He has been published in several literary magazines and anthologies in the U.S, Latin America and Europe.
You can purchase Poemas en blanco y negro through Índole Editores. Click here to purchase.
You can purchase Poemas en blanco y negro through Índole Editores. Click here to purchase.
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Paola Authiêvre 6/12/2016 Comment Box is loading comments...