Joe Jiménez
Bloodline is a realistic fiction, young adult novel by Joe Jiménez which tells the coming of age story of Abram, a vulnerable yet tough seventeen year old "hijo de abuela" boy, who's on a path of discovery with his conflicted self, his first love, and derailed role models. In an emotionally filled novel set in San Antonio, the author masterfully constructs a bridge between poetry and prose. With furious tenderness, the voice that murmurs this tale grabs you by the heart, swelling it with explosive descriptions and poetry of a broken story where the idea of hope and a bright future seem to be remotely out of reach. Bloodline is a novel that allows us to glance beyond the story itself and into a reality which unfortunately reflects the life and hardships of many boys in our community, in what sometimes turns out to be a troubling transition to manhood. It leaves us with questions regarding our role within our Latino families and our society as a whole. Most of all, it is a call to help the future of our youth. |
Joe Jiménez is the author of The Possibilities of Mud (Kórima 2014) and is the recipient of the 2016 Letras Latinas / Red Hen Press Poetry Prize.
You can purchase Bloodline through Arte Público Press. Click here to purchase.
You can purchase Bloodline through Arte Público Press. Click here to purchase.
Reviewed by
Mónica Rodriguez-Raygada 6/26/2016 Comment Box is loading comments...