5 Latino Presses that Fight Against Trump's Non-Spanish World
With Trump's recent elimination of the Spanish content option on the official White House website, it is important to emphasize that regardless of the whims and wishes of any xenophobic politician, Spanish still holds and will continue to hold a very important place in U.S. society. With around 40 million people speaking Spanish in the U.S., Hispanophones are the second largest group in this country after Anglophones, contributing greatly to the richness and diversity this country proclaims. With this in mind, we decided to celebrate our Spanish heritage by sharing 5 Latino presses that fight against Trump's imaginary non-Spanish world by publishing works in both English and Spanish. Let us show our support to these presses that are making a difference.
Artepoética Press is a New York City based Hispanic publishing house. They specialize in works and themes related to Iberia and the Americas. Their two imprints, Artepoética Press and Escribana Books, publish creative writing (novels, short stories & poetry) and academic works (Cultural and Literary Studies) respectively.
Arte Público Press is the nation’s largest publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by U.S. Hispanic authors. Its imprint for children and young adults, Piñata Books, is dedicated to the realistic and authentic portrayal of the themes, languages, characters and customs of Hispanic culture in the United States. Based at the University of Houston, Arte Público Press, Piñata Books and the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage project provide the most widely recognized and extensive showcase for Hispanic literary arts, history and politics.
Bilingual Review Press publishes literary works, scholarship, and art books by or about U.S. Hispanics under the name Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe. Since its founding in 1973, Bilingual Press has been committed to publishing high-quality writing by both established and emerging writers. With almost 200 titles in our backlist, we publish books in English, Spanish, and bilingual format, although most of our books are written in English. In addition, classics of Chicana and Chicano literature are being kept available through the Press’s Clásicos Chicanos/Chicano Classics imprint.
Floricanto Press, a publisher of Latino Books that focuses on Latino/Hispanic people and trends. Its publishing programs examine a broad spectrum of social, cultural, political, and economic issues impinging upon our pluralistic communities as well as the societal structures at large affecting them. Our press publishes Latino books and specifically seeks writings articulating an analytical discourse on issues which include a Latino perspective. Floricanto Press publishes Latino books and e-books of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry and Literature, History and Social sciences, Women--by and about--Latino LGBT, Sephardic literature and history, Psychology, Linguistics, and Biographies, both individual and collective; and Latino children's books.
Jade Publishing is a new American publishing company dedicated to the promotion of Latin American literature. It seeks to publish the best emerging Latin American talent in both English and Spanish, and enrich the international literary scene with breathtaking stories of explosive literary vibrance.
Arte Público Press is the nation’s largest publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by U.S. Hispanic authors. Its imprint for children and young adults, Piñata Books, is dedicated to the realistic and authentic portrayal of the themes, languages, characters and customs of Hispanic culture in the United States. Based at the University of Houston, Arte Público Press, Piñata Books and the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage project provide the most widely recognized and extensive showcase for Hispanic literary arts, history and politics.
Bilingual Review Press publishes literary works, scholarship, and art books by or about U.S. Hispanics under the name Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe. Since its founding in 1973, Bilingual Press has been committed to publishing high-quality writing by both established and emerging writers. With almost 200 titles in our backlist, we publish books in English, Spanish, and bilingual format, although most of our books are written in English. In addition, classics of Chicana and Chicano literature are being kept available through the Press’s Clásicos Chicanos/Chicano Classics imprint.
Floricanto Press, a publisher of Latino Books that focuses on Latino/Hispanic people and trends. Its publishing programs examine a broad spectrum of social, cultural, political, and economic issues impinging upon our pluralistic communities as well as the societal structures at large affecting them. Our press publishes Latino books and specifically seeks writings articulating an analytical discourse on issues which include a Latino perspective. Floricanto Press publishes Latino books and e-books of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry and Literature, History and Social sciences, Women--by and about--Latino LGBT, Sephardic literature and history, Psychology, Linguistics, and Biographies, both individual and collective; and Latino children's books.
Jade Publishing is a new American publishing company dedicated to the promotion of Latin American literature. It seeks to publish the best emerging Latin American talent in both English and Spanish, and enrich the international literary scene with breathtaking stories of explosive literary vibrance.
by Gerald Padilla
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