We are excited to announce the selected works included in the Latino Book Review 2024 Magazine Issue!
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Vertical Divider
ANA CASTILLO | Interview POETRY MATEO PEREZ LARA | Degrees AMANDA ROSAS | If I Were a Journey JESENIA CHAVEZ | Pictures of You ENRIQUE BERNALES ALBITES | Molcajete AMADO MARTE TAVERAS | I MARIA PALITACHI | (i) & (XXXII) MÓNICA LICEA | He’s Resting & Interior Landscape EDGAR GARCIA | XXVIIL AVERY C. CASTILLO | Vida Especial & Ars Poetica ARIA POLANCO | Immortality JUAN MANUEL PÉREZ | Fireflies & What Women Wear When Waving Goodbye & The Border Is a Black Lagoon REYNA MUÑOZ | Mercado - La Union, New Mexico ROBERT RENÉ GALVÁN | Canyon Del Muerto NATALIE OBANDO | Desmalezar BRENDA VACA | Anointed MELISSA CASTILLO PLANAS | Bodies ERIKA ESTEFANIA DOYLE | Lamb Shank THAYRA M. REYES DÍAZ | Her Eyes Are Made of Autumn & Dreaming in Blue R. JOSEPH RODRÍGUEZ | Rarámuri Runner JULIA MELISSA RIVAS HERNáNDEZ | In the Middle of Memory and Literature VICTORIA HERNÁNDEZ | Sea Glass CARLOS PONCE-MELÉNDEZ | A Useless Absence. & But Me EVARISTO RIVERA | Nothing in Particular DIOSA XOCHIQUETZALCÓATL | Keep Swimming DOLORES GLORIA | Forget Me Not! VISUAL ART MAURO MURILLO | Collection C. ELIAS RODRIGUEZ | Collection ARIA POLANCO | Collection JESÚS MACARENA ÁVILA | Arresting Juana & Adelita MARIANA FRANCO | Los Sueños de Mi Madre Soy Yo & Ode to Black Lives |
RUSS LÓPEZ | Three Proposals JULIO PUENTE GARCÍA | Dreamer CESAR BERMUDEZ | Under Us PATRICIA LOVOS | They IVÁN BRAVE | So High You Know Spanish SOFIA T. ROMERO | Naming Convention COMMENTARY TAK ERZINGER | I Recognise Griselda in Me but Not as a Drug Dealer MEMOIRS LUIS GUZMÁN VALERIO | Mr. Greenberg MARÍA MÍNGUEZ ARIAS | Eight Letters ESSAYS RICHARD VILLASANA | U.S. Foster Care Crisis Fails Latino Children IVÁN ORTEGA-SANTOS | Language, Power and Identity in the Hispanic World: From Old Castilian to Spanglish KEISELIM A. MONTÁS | Transtierro (Living Between Aquí y Allá) As a Valid Sense of Citizenship, Belonging, and Bifurcated Identity LEAH ARIANA ARREGUÍN | La Región de Convivencia: The U.S.-México Borderlands In Conjunto by Oliver Mayer BOOK REVIEWS ALEXA HURTADO-MONTAÑO | I Am Because We Are, The Stories That Transcended Time and Started Around Fire - Review of “De fuego y tiempo: el cuento afrocolombiano contemporaneo” ROSSY LIMA | Enraizada: Verses That Effervesce With Rhythm of the Tropics - Review of “Tratado sobre las brujas” REFLECTION ROSSY LIMA | Reflection of “El abuelo Gregorio” by Jorge Miguel Cocom Pech |
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