We are excited to announce the selected works included in the Latino Book Review 2023 Magazine Issue!
Coming soon!
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JULIÁN DAVID BAÑUELOS | Acceptance, Blue Conceals Its Lineage & To the Tune of All Things Above Me MYDALIS VERA | Our Mami ROBERT RENÉ GALVÁN | Mezcalito KOYLAN MASSIELL GOMEZ | Las viajeras GABRIEL GONZÁLEZ NÚNEZ | Atahualpa's Funeral MARCELA RODRIGUEZ-CAMPO | Heartbreak Rituals AZALIYAH MOLINA | Words You Taught Me CHRISTOPHER LOUIS ROMAGUERA | Home Again ARIEL FRANCISCO | Dream With Quetzal, Pissing on Allen Dulles' Grave & Visiting My Grandparents Grave, My Aunt Asks, How I'd Like to Be Buried PAULO YÁNEZ | Inside CAROLINE SUÁREZ | Santurce CEDRIC LEIBA JR | Mi regreso CLAUDIA FERNÁNDEZ | No Place, Knocking On Your Door, Just One Cloud TATIANA ORTIZ | El Sabor Del Dolor Tragado (The Tastes of Swallowed Grief), Bitter (Amarga) & Spicy (Picante) MARIO JOSÉ PAGAN MORALES | A Prayer to Your Coming DOLORES GLORIA | To Kill a Praying Mantis. MICHAEL ANGELO | Gentlest Warning for the Silly Apes RODRIGO TOSCANO | Englisc SOFIA NOWENDSZTERN | Novelty JOSE DE JESUS JASSO JR. | JR TOMAS MONIZ | Theory of Plate Tectonics ANYÉLY GOMÉZ-DICKERSON | Hunger is a Boiling Pot AMANDA ROSAS | Cosmovisión ESTEBAN COLON | Fight in the Dog |
EDGAR SANER | Collection MAYRA ZAMORA | Collection PAULO YÁNEZ | Collection PHOTOGRAPHY ISABEL CAMACHO | Photography Collection FICTION GUILLERMO CALZADA | EMIL.IA OSO GUARDIOLA | The End MADYANIS SANTIAGO DÍAZ | The Shoe Mountain ALEXANDRA DOS SANTOS | The Living Room Monster SONIA ALEJANDRA RODRIGUEZ | Car Full of Paper Flowers NONFICTION SARA C. BRONIN | Land Grab: The Untold Story of Fort Brown ALAN GERARDO PADILLA AGUILAR | The Origin of El Cucuy (El Coco) RINA ROSSI | Anti-blackness Within Cuban Immigrant Communities: White-Cuban National Hegemony’s Effect on Afro-Cuban Immigrants’ Lives in the United States CARMEN BACA | Cortando Las Nubes TOCHUKWU OKAFOR | Hidden in Plain Sight: Of Ghost Towns, Lands, and the Elusive Symbiosis Between Setting and Characterization in Juan Rulfo’s Stories BOOK REVIEWS LIZBETTE OCASSIO-RUSSE | Loverbar Reviewed by CATHY THOMAS TAK ERZINGER | Tourist Reviewed by MADELEINE WHITE NONA FERNÁNDEZ | Voyager Reviewed by ISABELLA PILOTTA GOIS SILVIANA WOOD | La Quinta Soledad Reviewed by RUSS LOPEZ |
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