140 Twitter Poems
Christopher Carmona
140 Twitter Poems is a vivid collection of personal, social and philosophically driven poems by Christopher Carmona and translated by Gerald Padilla. This bilingual collection was originally published on Twitter over 140 days, from December 1, 2015 to April 12, 2016, expressing Carmona's personal reflections and the sociopolitical fervor of the day. Using hashtags and numbers as titles, Carmona gives life to a new form of explosive, existential, socially rebellious poetry that pushes the boundaries of modern poetry. In the poem titled #46, the author speaks of his poetic identity, "I am unblessed unannointed/ unsprinkled undevout &/ unsanctified./ I am far from righteous./ I am not a hollowed out tree &/ therefore I'm free." Yet, in other poems such as #86, he speaks of modern day injustices, "I speak of wet walls./ of cops writing recuerdos with/ bullets./ of the conquest of indias in the/ 21st century./ I speak of nightmares realized." 140 Twitter Poems is not just a poetry book, it is the current social narrative under a poet's lens which speaks of 21st century wounds in the United States and the wounds yet to come. |
Christopher Carmona is a Chicanx Beat writer. He was recognized as one of the top 5 writers of 2014 by the Texas Observer. He was the inaugural writer-in-residence for the Langdon Review Writers Residency Program in 2015 and was awarded the NACCS Tejas Foco for best fiction book in 2016.
140 Twitter Poems is a publication by Jade Publishing. Click here to purchase.
140 Twitter Poems is a publication by Jade Publishing. Click here to purchase.
Reviewed by
Rossy Evelin Lima 2/4/2017 Comment Box is loading comments...